Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions? We've got answers! Here, you'll find a curated list of frequently asked questions to help you navigate your way through our website. If there's anything you're curious about or need further clarification on, you're in the right place.

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Is there any sugar in Little Cups Tea?

Our tea blends do not contain any added sugar. At 'Little Cups Tea,' we believe in providing the healthiest options for your little ones. While there are small amounts of naturally occurring sugars in some fruit blends like Banana Raspberry and Strawberry Vanilla, rest assured that we never add any extra sugar to our teas. The natural sweetness of the fruits is what makes these blends delicious and enjoyable for children.

Is there any caffeine in Little Cups Tea?

Not at all! We are proud to say that all our blends from 'Little Cups' are completely caffeine-free. We understand the importance of offering soothing and gentle teas for children. With our caffeine-free options, you can rest assured that your little ones can enjoy our teas without any concerns about sleep disruption or unwanted stimulation.

Is Little Cups a completely natural tea?

Absolutely! At 'Little Cups Tea,' we are committed to providing pure and natural blends for your children. Each of our tea blends is made from 100% natural ingredients. We prioritize the use of organic fruits, herbs, and botanicals to ensure that your child gets the best and healthiest tea experience possible.

Why herbal teas good for children?

Little Cups herbal tea blends are not only delicious but also offer a range of health benefits for children. Herbal teas are rich in natural antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, which can support their growing bodies. Additionally, our teas are free from artificial additives and added sugar, making them a great choice if you want to reduce your child's sugar intake. Staying hydrated is vital for kids, and our flavorful herbal teas can be a delightful way to keep them hydrated while introducing them to the world of tea.

What are the advantages of a tea specially blended for children?

Little Cups teas are thoughtfully crafted with children's taste buds and little tummies in mind. We understand that children have unique preferences and nutritional needs. That's why all our blends are caffeine-free and do not contain added sugar. By offering teas specially designed for children, we hope to introduce them to a world of healthy and delightful beverage choices that they will love.

Can I use Little Cups as a cold drink?

Absolutely! Little Cups teas are not limited to just hot beverages. You can enjoy them as cold drinks too. In fact, they are perfect for making refreshing iced teas or even delicious popsicles for those hot summer days. Check out our blog "A Tea Journey" for some creative and fun cold brew ideas to keep your kids hydrated and happy all year round.

Get in touch

At 'Little Cups Tea,' we are dedicated to providing the best tea experience for your little ones. Your feedback and engagement mean the world to us! We warmly invite you to share your ideas, comments, questions, and experiences with us through our contact page. We value every message we receive and cherish the opportunity to hear from our valued customers.