Mom’s Book Club – Me Time You Did Not Think is Possible

Mom’s Book Club – Me Time You Did Not Think is Possible

Sounds counterintuitive – “Women’s Book club for Mothers”, nothing relaxing springs to mind when you see it, just another “to do” on a never-ending laundry list. 

But kid (pun intended) you not – it is so much fun for you, for kids, for your friends.  Idea is simple (at last!) you gather a few friends who love reading, or who miss reading, just like in the “olden days” or who want to become readers, and… inhale..who have kids. Although, singletons are welcomed, you catch so many birds with one book if you invite your friends who are moms: you meet with your dear friends, you discuss the book you just read, which means you have learned something new, you share your impressions, ideas, values, this is called brain neuroplasticity in action.

You learn new things about yourself and your friends. You connect with your “higher power”: thoughts and feelings crystallize and come freely in a safe setting. Of course, you sprinkle a bit of gossip for a bit of jazz. But just a tiny bit. Cause there is so much to discuss: why did the writer write this book (“The Story of O”), how concubines lived (“Silk”), should we all just all be kinder, less judgemental to selves and others (“Untethered Soul”). If you are super adventurous - you apply what you learnt and , like a dutiful Sancho Pancho, report back to the group. 

Energy, love, and knowledge is flowing. You are connecting. Your kids build social skills with other kids and not with YouTube, and blissful idyllic Victoria Drawing Room type women gathering ensues. 

No hard and fast rules. Just some guidelines to get you started:

  • Choose friends who like reading – much more fun when people read the book.
  • Choose friends with kids, it is bonus (for the kids).
  • Keep numbers of participants below 10, groups of 5 friends appears to be most manageable. 
  • Rotate books and meeting places: person who chooses the book, hosts at their house. Although hosting can be in the park, beach, restaurant. Kids safety would need to be accounted for.
  • Choose books that are approximately 200 pages. We moms can do everything, but books of 300 pages is a bit of a push.
  • Audio books should be considered too.
  • The host offers snacks for moms and kids. Or you can agree that each group member brings snacks. Whichever is easier on everyone.
  • Meet every six weeks, it is a good time slot to finish the book and don’t fall off the wagon.
  • Be adventurous, allow every genre of the book, just maybe not organic chemistry.
  • During your book club organize your dance club, fun should continue.

Some books will be a hit, some books will be a miss, but it is part of being adventurous, open, accepting, kind.

Some books we have read:

Heartburn by Nora Ephron (179 p)   – we laughed out loud, we felt Nora is our quick-witted sister.

The Power by Rhonda Byrne (272 p) – we passionately discussed.

Silk by Alessando Baricco (100 p) – we appreciated the beautiful flow of words.

The Untethered Soul: the Journey Beyond Yourself by Michael A.Singer (200 p) -  we opened up and connected a little bit more.

Next on our list – Alchemist by Paulo Coelho (163 p)– because we all need a reminder, “Be careful what you wish for. You might have it all. And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it”.  I may add, all the universe and Alexa, who eavesdrops discreetly. But that is another topic.
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